Michael P Gulseth Anticoagulation Consulting, Inc.
Specializing in professional consulting to aid hospitals and health-systems optimize patient outcomes when using anticoagulants and avoid litigation
Anticoagulation Therapy: a Clinical Practice Guide, 2nd Edition. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
Managing Anticoagulation Patients in the Hospital: the Inpatient Anticoagulation Service. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
2017 ISMP Medication Safety Self-Assessment for Antithrombotic Therapy
Most Recent Peer Reviewed Publications
Spinler SA, Gulseth, MP. Prevention and treatment of COVID-19 related thrombosis. In: Sanoski CA, Witt DM, eds. Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program, 2022 Book 2. Current Issues in Pharmacotherapy. Lenexa, KS: American College of Clinical Pharmacy, 2022: in press.
Dingus SJ, Smith AR, Dager WE, Zochert S, Nothdurft SA, Gulseth MP. Comparison of managing factor Xa inhibitor to unfractionated heparin transitions by aPTT versus a treatment guideline utilizing heparin anti-Xa levels. Ann Pharmacother. Epub ahead of print 5/2/22. https://doi.org/10.1177/10600280221090211
Smith A, Dager WE, Gulseth MP. Current practices in transitioning hospitalized patients from rivaroxaban or apixaban to a continuous unfractionated heparin infusion: a retrospective review. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2020 Aug 20;77(Suppl 3):S59-S65.
Kaide CG, Gulseth MP. Current strategies for management of bleeding associated with direct anticoagulants and review of investigational reversal agents. Jounral of Emergency Medicine. 2020: 58(2): 217-233.
Kido K, Lee JC, Hellwig T, Gulseth MP. Direct oral anticoagulants in the morbidly obese population for atrial fibrillation and venous thromboembolism treatment: a systematic review. Pharmacotherapy. 2020 Jan;40(1):72-83.
Zochert S, Gulseth MP, et al. Use of specific Anti-Xa levels in acute kidney injury to transition patients from oral factor Xa inhibitors to IV heparin infusion. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2019: 76: 505-11.
Byron M, Hellwig T, Zochert S, Gavozdea-Barna M, Gulseth MP. Successful use of laboratory monitoring to facilitate an invasive procedure for a patient treated with dabigatran. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2017; 74: 461-5.
Gulseth MP. Overview of direct oral anticoagulant therapy reversal. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2016; 73(10 Suppl 2): S5-S13.
Gulseth MP. Vitamin K antagonists, direct oral anticoagulants, and the rationale for reversal agents. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2016; 73(10 Suppl 2):S3-S4.
Barta AL, Nutescu EA, Thompson PA, Bussey HI, Gulseth MP. Time spent at extreme International Normalized Ratio values and time in therapeutic range: the relationship with major bleeding and thrombosis events. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2015; 72:1188-94.
Hellwig, T, Gulseth MP. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic drug interactions with new oral anticoagulants: what do they mean for patients with atrial fibrillation? Ann Pharmacother. 47: 1478-1487.
Smythe MA, Fanikos J, Gulseth MP, et al. Rivaroxaban: practical considerations for ensuring safety and efficacy. Pharmacotherapy. 2013; 33(11): 1223-1245.
Chen SY, Wu N, Gulseth MP, et. al. One-year adherence to warfarin treatment for venous thromboembolism in high-risk patients and its association with long-term risk of recurrent events. J Manag Care Pharm. 2013; 19(4):291-301.
Hellwig TR, Gulseth MP. Emerging oral options for the prevention and treatment of venous thromboembolism. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2013; 70:113-125.
Hellwig TR, Peitz GJ, Gulseth MP. High-dose argatroban for treatment of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia with thrombosis: A case report and review of laboratory considerations. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2012: 69: 490-5.
Fowler S, Gulseth MP, Renier C, Tomsche J. Inpatient warfarin: experience with a pharmacist-led anticoagulation management service in a tertiary care medical center. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2012: 69: 44-8.
Gulseth MP, Wittkowsky AK, Fanikos J, Spinler SA, Dager WE, Nutescu EA. Use of dabigatran etexilate in clinical practice: confronting challenges to improve safety and effectiveness. Pharmacotherapy. 2011; 31(12): 1232-1249.
November 2009 Dobesh PP, Wittkowsky AK, Stacy Z, Dager WE, Trujillo TC, Gulseth MP, et. al. Key articles and guidelines in the treatment of venous thromboembolism. Pharmacotherapy; 29(11): 1385 (full text published on-line).
Gulseth MP, Grice GR, Dager WE. Pharmacogenomics of warfarin: uncovering a piece of the warfarin mystery. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2009: 66: 123-33.
Gulseth MP, Michaud J, Nutescu EA. Rivaroxaban: an oral direct inhibitor of factor Xa. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2008; 65: 1520-9.
Gulseth MP. Applying quality measures and guidelines in the management of acute coronary syndrome and venous thromboembolism. J Managed Care Pharm. 2008; 4(6)(supplS-a): S2-S3.
Dager WE, Gulseth MP. Implementing pharmacist anticoagulation management in the inpatient setting. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2007; 64: 1071-1079.
November 2005 Schneider BL, Gulseth MP, Cusick M. et. al. A computer program for a pharmacy managed inpatient warfarin dosing service. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2005; 62: 2393-6.
Gulseth MP. Ximelagatran: an orally active direct thrombin inhibitor. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2005; 62: 1451-67.