Michael P Gulseth Anticoagulation Consulting, Inc.
Specializing in professional consulting to aid hospitals and health-systems optimize patient outcomes when using anticoagulants and avoid litigation
Are you a medical malpractice defense attourney looking for an expert witness?
Dr. Gulseth's extensvie expertise in the management of drugs like warfarin, enoxaparin, heparin, argatroban, rivaroxaban, dabigatran etexilate, edoxaban and apixaban, combined with past litigation work, make him an ideal expert witness. Dr. Gulseth recently chaired the panel who has recently written the most authoritative guidelines on how to assure the safety of anticoagulation therapy: http://www.ismp.org/selfassessments/Antithrombotic/2017/Default.aspx Contact him at mgulseth@anticoagulationconsulting.com for further details.